
Friday, January 11, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: We had a great day on Sunday, right up until Cody Parkey missed what would have been the winning kick of the Bears playoff game.  This has officially been your first season of really enjoying watching football with your dad and learning so much about the Chicago Bears.  And while they had a great season, you were not expecting that loss!  And we weren't expecting your devastation!  You cried and cried and cried.  It was adorable and also quite telling of how hard you take this stuff. 

Mila: A picture of you with two of your faves lately, your lambie slippers you received from Christmas and your Wellie Wisher named Camille.  You've been bouncing between your Wellie Wisher dolls, your barbies, and your Disney princesses lately and love to play.  And you may have enjoyed watching all those sparkly dresses come out of the limos on The Bachelor, too. ;)

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