
Monday, January 14, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: You never ask me to take your picture, but you did on Saturday.  We have gotten so used to no snow that you haven't been bringing your snow pants and boots home with you from school.  So when the snow fell on Saturday, we traded in sledding for a walk in the woods.  It never fails - you always always end up off the beaten path, yanking up the biggest stick or getting caught in some thicket.  You show your boy ways in the woods, even when your little sister was crying from the trail (literally two feet away from you) worried you were going to get hurt!

Mila: Your first post as a five year old!  We celebrated your big birthday all weekend long - you got your ears (re)pierced, we treated you to hot cocoa and a game of Sorry at Cup of Joe, grilled hamburgers (per your request), and had Sunday lunch at Chuck-E-Cheese after donuts, balloons, and church.  I think Sunday birthdays are my very favorite - it was fun to have all day to soak you up!   

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