
Friday, January 25, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: You put this amazing Lego ship together all by yourself last week, working little by little at the table while the rest of our world was in a state of chaos.  And when you lost a pretty important piece, you creatively used a different piece to complete rebuild the missing link.  And then you helped your sister build one of hers!  

Mila: You received your third Wellie Wisher doll for your birthday and have had three sidekicks beside you ever since.  You love changing their clothes (and never matching them), love when I style their hair, and you even put a little box in our mudroom with all of their shoes.  Now, to add to our otherwise busy rush to get out the door in the morning, we have to also ensure your doll of choice has the correct shoes on her feet.  Oh the patience, oh the joy!

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