
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Christmas Weekend 2018

After another fun Jorgensen Top Chef night, we woke up Saturday morning to Cruz standing by our bed telling us he just threw up in the bathroom sink.  I'm no fan of stomach flu anytime of the year, but the stomach flu for Christmas is something that always gets me in a tizzy.  And this would be the second year in a row one of my kids would throw up on December 23rd!  I think it's God's way of grounding me. ;)  At least Cruz was here at home instead of last year's nightmare at Tony's Pizzeria when Mila ralphed all over the table...

Thankfully, all was pretty much prepared and we had no plans other than a quiet day at home anyway, so I tucked Cruz in his cozy bed and bleached nearly every square inch of the house.  I made mental plans to shift our Christmas if Cruz was the first of all the dominoes to fall and made the most of a day to rest and lean into the messy, not-so-sparkly parts of Christmas.  

Cruz was the sweetest sick kid on the planet, choosing to spend most of his day reading his books and sleeping under those covers.  His bug proved to be about 12 hours and he was thankfully back to himself by the time he went to bed that night.  Beau and I had a fun day with Mila, putting together a Koala Crate, eating cookies, and doing puzzles, and we all drank lots of grape juice, a tip I learned from another mama as a potential shield from the flu.  Fingers crossed we'd stay puke-free for Christmas! 

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