
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Sunday Snow Day

"If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow."

If you can't beat it, join it.  When plans to host our friends from Minnesota fell through thanks to yet another snowstorm last weekend, we decided to make the most of it.  I had chili and zuppa already prepped, far too much prepared for just the four of us, and the big snowflakes and warmer temperatures called us outside for some fun with the Gabels.  My mountain man of a husband made us a fire, we stirred our whiskey with icicles, and let the big snowflakes fall on our cheeks until our butts nearly froze to our seats.  Then we made a mountain of snow gear, watched some UNI basketball, and ate bowl after bowl of soup.  

My heart will always chase after these kinds of experiences - the ones that cheat the expected and show the beauty of the seasons.  And although this winter is proving to be a long one, I'll take it for all its worth.

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