
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Most Snowy of Winters

We are home once again today, our eighth official snow day in about a month.  Since my semester started up January 14, it has been the strangest run of winter weeks in my memory.  I don't think we've had a full of week of school in six weeks, there were weeks we were only there one full day, and my poor Level 2 students out in the schools are struggling to get to their state required hours in the field.  I've heard lots of people saying we must be getting soft, cancelling schools easier than we did in the past; however, when you look around outside it's easy to see there's a pretty good reason for all these days tucked inside.  It looks like a tundra out there.  There is snow everywhere.  We've received 42.2" so far this winter, 37.9" of it falling between January 12 and February 19.  So far, we are living in the fifth snowiest winter in Iowa's history, not to mention the Polar Vortex a few weeks ago that gave us three of those days off school and -50 wind chills for a good portion of the Midwest.  I do love a good historic weather season, but also love my long summer breaks at home with the kids.  I'm still voting for the governor to pardon a few of these days. :)

All in all, though, we have embraced these snow days at home.  Summer is my favorite and I'm as excited for green grass, windows open, and warm sunshine on my cheeks as the rest of em, but there's something about these winters I crave all year long.  It's that one-of-a-kind anticipation the day before another round of snow - everyone talks like old men in a coffee shop as we analyze the snow amounts and place bets on whether we'll just see a delay or another full day off.  It's that signature 553-3000 phone call that comes through in the earliest of morning hours, and the cancelled alarm that follows.  It's the excuse to slow down the day, add another cup of hot coffee and the coziest pair of socks, and watch the beauty of the snow falling outside.  It's being home, my favorite place of all.  

It's often a balance for me, still trying to work some while also giving these kids snow day memories I remember so much as a little girl.  Early morning whispers that bring the most content of smiles, living room forts and cocoa, board game after board game after board game, pajamas all day, afternoon movies and naps to follow.  Even snow that piles up to my hips is worth it.  Unless we're still talking about April.  I have my limits.

A look into our endless snow days...

Our first weekend snowstorm (which was weirdly followed by a weekend in the fifties).  I remember we pulled out all the gear because we all thought it might be our only opportunity all season.  How wrong we were!    

We made "sno-scream" and it was delicious!

We put all those birthday gifts to good use.  And kept laundry down by staying in our pjs a whole lot.  

We baked chocolate chip cookies.  

We snuggled up and read our books.

We caught up on our sleep.

We played toys.  

We got creative with our breakfasts.  Banana smoothie bowls for the win!

We made pretty lunches.  

We built a pretty amazing fort, lit some candles, and told stories with flashlights until Dad got home from work.

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