
Wednesday, March 13, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: We decided your punishment for having an off week of school last week would require you to wear "decent clothes", aka, jeans and anything not Under Armour every day this week.  You were SO upset with us.  Your response?  "Everyone will make fun of me and say, 'what are you doing Cruz, don't you know it's not picture day?!'"  We didn't know if we should laugh or feel terrible for you!  As we predicted, no one even noticed your change in attire and your teacher said your professional dress must have done the trick because you were back to your studious self the first day this week!

Mila: You on the other hand made sure to announce that you happen to love decent clothes!  Although I'm pretty sure you haven't worn a pair of jeans in years!   

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