
Tuesday, March 5, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: You get to play the main part in a small play you are rehearsing and performing at school and I think I've seen more motivation out of you with this than anything else this school year.  And that's saying something because you love everything about school!  You are a prince who turns into a frog, but you informed me the very first day that you don't have to kiss anyone.  You were relieved to use a chocolate kiss instead. ;)   

Mila: Speaking of kissing, you've been asking a few more questions lately.  You were watching The Little Mermaid in the car last week and all of sudden asked me, "Mom, when you and Daddy kissed at your wedding, did you kiss fast or did you take it slow?"  Oh dear!

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