
Thursday, March 7, 2019


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2019."

Cruz: This is your cool guy pose.  You've been grounded from your iPad this past week and turns out, we kind of like you more when you're screen free.  You talk a mile a minute and get so excited about the new books you're reading and the new things you're learning every day.  You sat at the island and just talked to me while I cooked last night and I decided I may just ground you from your iPad more often. ;)     

Mila: You lost your second bottom tooth tonight at Applebees.  In addition to your front tooth you had pulled last summer, this will be your third visit from the tooth fairy.  And that space up top that's been empty since July?  You've got a new big tooth poking through already!  

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