
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wordless Wednesday || Puddle Jumping

I think this is the fastest that summer break has ever felt for me.  I imagined it would be this way with the late end to the school year, but I swear I blinked and it's already July 4.  We're busy this week preparing for another big Jorgensen family road trip that we're all very excited about, but I'm just as excited to return home with a month of summer break left at home.  Hoping to take it easy and unplug for a good chunk of it and enjoy the simple and sweet adventure that summer has been to us this year.  

Sharing some pictures today from a spontaneous little night we had at the lake by our house one Sunday night.  Mila had just learned to ride a bike and we decided to take her around Prairie Lakes Park to give her a taste of the trails.  Not only did she get to experience some hard surface trails for the first time, but she also got to ride through some pretty good puddles after we had received quite a bit of rain throughout the weekend.  They of course loved the puddles.  So after dinner that night, we went back out to splash in the big ones for awhile.  With our wellies and play puppy, Max, of course.  

Kelle Hampton, summertime extraordinaire, writes: "This is what I love about summer - the yeses, the purposeful pursuit of pure fun, the commitment to not only pave the way for their enjoyment of life but jumping in to enjoy it with them.  By mid-August, I will be craving routine, organization and discipline.  But for now, we skip barefoot, swim past bedtime, drink wine, bathe in rainbow paint, decide to go to a movie ten minutes before it starts, say yes to delight...and fall asleep at night, full and grateful for summers and this sweet season of life where we have the privilege of saying yes."   

All of this.  Just add in splash in rain puddles, eat strawberry milkshakes in the bathtub, go to bed past 10:30 most nights and sleep past 9 most mornings.  Yes to a fast and full June, and the promise of a lot more summer left to jump in, get a little dirty, and soak it all in.  Every last drop of it.   

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