
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Good Things || December 2019

Although we've been pretty sporadic with our family advent study, the nights we do gather around the table with our Bibles and highlighters have been some of my favorite Christmas memories this month.  We start with our Jesus Storybook Bible, Mila processes what she hears with drawing or coloring and the rest of us read the "big kid" version in our own Bibles and record any observations and thoughts in our journals.  

The other night we read one of the kids' favorites, the story of Daniel and the lion's den.  Only this time, our Bible reading led us to a bigger conversation about the importance of King Darius.  He loved Daniel, but gave into the world and wasn't strong or brave enough to stand up for what was right and it could've cost Daniel his life.  But God's ultimate authority and power stepped into this world and took over for the brokenness of His people.  This story maybe isn't as much about Daniel, but a story of the lengths God will go to to bring his people to him.  After he found that Daniel was indeed saved by the king he would give his life to follow, Darius "wrote to every people, nation, and language who lived on the earth...For he is the living God, and he endures forever...He rescues and delivers; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth, for he has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions" (Daniel 6: 25-28).

When you witness the signs and wonders of God, you can't help but feel him and want to praise him!  After we talked about this story, we went around our own table and shared times we were like King Darius and saw or felt the presence and power of God.  We talked about that feeling when we're looking at something beautiful in creation, kayaking in the middle of quiet lake at sunset or standing on top of that mountain in Lake Tahoe and feeling so small in such a great big world.  We talked about Vacation Bible School and the music and dancing and ways it makes us feel alive and close to God.  And then Mila said, "Or that time we made hot cocoa and surprised the boys outside with some."

Yep, Mila.  Exactly like that.         

When we stop and notice the good things in this busy, sometimes complicated life, we acknowledge the very God who created them AND gave us the ability to see them and feel them.  And Christmas time is such a great place to start.  Some good things I'm remembering from our December...

868. Our morning seeing Frozen 2.  I vividly remember taking Cruz to the first Frozen when he was 3!  He started crying uncontrollably when Anna died and I took him out because I didn't want him to ruin the ending for others!  But the movie was SO good and I absolutely didn't want to miss the ending so I stood off to the side holding him on top of his sister in my big belly and kept whispering in his ear, "keep watching, keep watching!"  We knew the movie was good, but I don't think had any idea the Frozen frenzy that would occur after!  And three years later, our little lady who wasn't even born for Frozen would be obsessed with it!  Maybe she heard the music in my womb and came out loving it!  

And all these years later, the Frozen frenzy felt just the same.  The movie was wonderful, we got to attend a private showing with an Anna and Elsa there to greet and take pictures with the kids.  And they were Disney quality princesses!  Mila loved talking to them and asked them which Frozen they liked better!  We agreed with their answer - both were wonderful in their own way!

There was this great part of the movie when Elsa takes out her signature braid and lets her hair fall wild and free.  And shortly after, I see Mila taking out her Elsa braid and shaking her hair free.  Only she didn't want me to know so she whispered, "My braid was coming out, Mom." ;)  Braid or not, she makes for a pretty little Elsa...     

869. A Christmas camp-out under the tree.  We actually bring the kids' mattresses to the living room and it's like one big bed on the living room floor.  We let them sleep out here two nights this year and I like to sit and watch their sleeping faces against the glow of the Christmas trees before I go to bed.   

The peace of them sleeping followed by the chaos in the morning!

870. Our Christmas cards this year.  And forever laughing over the year Beau threw them all away!  Let's just say I take care of the process start to finish now... :)

871. They're getting a little big for his lap!

872. Dessert boards in the middle of a big family game night.  

873. The glow of the Christmas trees at night.  And those cute red buffalo check pjs.  

874. Teacher gifts and a blooming Christmas cactus

875. The last day of school before a nice long winter break.  Cute games shared with Mila's kindergarten class and pjs and a movie in the gym.  The excitement was palpable.  

Christmas break is here!  

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