
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wordless Wednesday || Twirly Dresses and Poinsettia Poses

There are few things I love more than Christmas, a pretty dress, and a greenhouse full of flowers.  And until a week ago, I had no idea the three could happen together.  I needed to find a few indoor plants for some gifts this year and went to my favorite greenhouse in town, Petersen and Tietz.  They have the best selection of indoor, rainforest type plants and I was looking forward to being surrounded by life and warmth now that everything outside is dead and cold!  But what I wasn't expecting were the rows upon rows of gorgeous Christmas flowers.  Poinsettias of every shade of red, pink, and white, Christmas cacti about to bloom, and white twinkly icicle lights strung the entire length of the greenhouse.  I told the employees working that they may just find me bringing my lunch here from now until March!

So when Mila and I found ourselves with a little day off last Friday, I talked her into a little Christmas photo shoot.  She also loved how bright the red poinsettias were, enjoyed the chance to run through the rows without a coat, and especially liked when the sweet greenhouse kitty followed her as if she were Alice in Wonderland. 

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