
Friday, January 17, 2020

Waiting For Our Christmas to Come

In case you haven't noticed on here yet, we're big fans of music and we're big fans of Beau.  And when you put the two of those things together, you usually end up with a dad walking around the house with a guitar around his neck.  Sometimes, I'm slightly annoyed by the whole thing, like this morning when I'm in the bathroom getting ready and I'm trying to have a conversation with him about the enneagram while he is slowly strumming a background tune, trying really hard to make eye contact with me whilst staying on rhythm at the same time.  But most of the time, his guitar playing antics make me smile and give me all the warm and fuzzies, like when he left the bathroom and started up an old improvised tune he likes to call "Avengers Assemble."  I believe he started this one during bath time when Cruz was around four and Mila was just old enough to sit in the tub by herself.  He'd sit with his guitar next to the bathroom and play them his song, and during every chorus ask them for a superhero to which he would make up a clever and silly verse.  And as cute and endearing as the whole thing was, it was also a reminder of his quick wit and closet creativity.  

One of my favorite gifts I've ever received was when my crew surprised me with the cutest of songs performed on Christmas morning last year.  "Bigger than a Hippopotamus" has since become one of the hottest tracks in our house, especially when we're in the middle of a great family jam session.  The song never ceases to make me smile and shake my head at its equal parts special and silly, not to mention the fact that our kids now know the definitions of the words superfluous and sarcophagus and use them in normal conversations.  

Oh, and they still giggle every time Dad talks about my booty. :)

I sure love this little music video, how the three of them managed to practice in the basement for weeks without me knowing, and the crazy skills of my hubby for composing such a creative and catchy tune.  I joke with him often that the bar will forever be set high thanks to his Christmas surprise that year.  To which Beau responded, "challenge accepted."  So while I was half expecting another performance by my three amigos this Christmas, what I wasn't expecting was my very own Christmas song.  They sure know the way to my heart.

What I loved about their song this year was the process that unfolded to get to the finished product.  Beau handed me a stack of papers that showed their work: their first list Cruz wrote when they brainstormed all my favorite Christmas traditions, the final lyrics, and a picture Mila drew that depicts me dreaming of all the things they sing about!  Beau not only wrote the music for his guitar, but added a part for Cruz to play at the piano.  He practiced and took this part very seriously.  It was pretty sweet.

It was such a wonderful Christmas this year.  Between the beautiful weather, lots of fun memories with people we love, and some pretty special gifts around the tree, it was a special one we'll always remember.  

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