
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Quarantine Chronicles || Chapter 3 - Cruz

In the mornings my mom and dad always give me and Mila a challenge to do. Yesterday's was to build a car wash out of Legos. Mila and I got to work! We decided to use a Hot Wheels ramp that would lead to a Lego ramp and then go to a bowl of water where the workers would take it to dry. When we tested it, Mila launched it and it went up the lego ramp in the bowl of water where the workers dried it off and everyone was so surprised even mom! 

This one is for my papa Curt...

Today for my daily chore I had to sort the laundry. Mine was easy but then I asked mom what to do next and she said...


And even though they were clean I didn't want to touch them so I got the tongs and folded them that way. It was disgusting, more disgusting then broccoli.

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