
Thursday, May 13, 2010

20 Weeks...

How far along? 20 Weeks – I can’t believe I am halfway through!

Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week; however, this is the first week my belly has become quite noticeable. It’s pretty sweet.

Maternity Clothes? I’m making it through the end of the year without! Two weeks of button and zipper marks on my flesh is well worth not having to spend lots of moolah on maternity pants! Now that I know what the baby is, I’d rather spend money on them!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? “I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting.” -Mark Twain

Best Moment This Week? Seeing a picture of our little tot. One of the neatest moments of my life. To see a living, breathing little soul moving and grooving inside my very body was INCREDIBLE!

Food Cravings? Nothing crazy this week; however, I have been drinking approximately 3-4 juice boxes a day. I’m officially making up for the envy I had towards Brooke’s juice boxes every day at school!

Gender? Wouldn’t you like to know?!?!

What I Miss? Being tan before summer starts. I have some catching up to do and still need to figure out this swimsuit situation…

What I Look Forward To? Holding little Jorgensen in my arms. I. simply. cannot. wait.

Milestones? Seeing pictures of our little one!!! Although it looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle, I still think it’s adorable. I kiss its picture every morning before heading to work!

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