
Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Jorgensen REVEALED

After we found out we were pregnant, we both knew without a doubt that we would find out what we were having. I, being the planner, wanted the summer to pick out the perfect paint color for the nursery, with bedding, stuffties, and decoratives to match; Beau wanted to know simply because he doesn't do well with surprises. We counted down the days to the infamous 20 week appointment, and prayed for good light, no shadows, and wide open baby legs!

Just like the heartbeat, Baby J revealed its gender to us within about the first 30 seconds of the show!

And just because we found out as soon and as early as we possibly could, did not mean we would do the same with the announcement to our family. Although it meant for a challenging week of 'keeping a secret,' we decided to drag the surprise, and most of all, the suspense out all week. We wanted to see their faces. To share in their reactions. To hug, to laugh, to dream about the little boy or girl that would soon be a new part of our families. The surprise was way too good to share over the phone, so, I planned a party.

A Baby J Reveal Party!

Some may say I went a little overboard (my husband included). Any chance I have to reveal my inner Martha, however, is an opportunity I can't put to waste! I love details; spending time on small little accents that make for pretty pictures and pretty little memories....

The party included a color scheme; mainly oranges and yellows, with a few splashes of bright pink. I wanted the colors to be gender 'discreet,' yet scream summertime bliss. The colors splashed in a jug of lemonade with slices of oranges and lemons, a white tin of Orange Crush, yellow cans of Squirt, and Welch's Strawberry, and plump balloons, handmade tissue paper streamers, and soft tea lights.

Since the old wives's tales say that expectant mothers of boys crave salty foods, and expectant mothers of girls crave sweets, I made sure to include a sample of each. Popcorn for the salt lovers, and lots of candy for the sweet tooth.

I made a poster in order for our family to document their guesses. For the most part, they had wavered between boy and girl often; however, once and for all, it was time for them to get their guesses on paper. Even though Beau and I already knew the secret, we still added our initial guesses...Beau was always convinced we were having a girl; I always thought boy. As you can see, Grandpa Ray cheated!

And finally, the cake. The cake that hid the secret of our reveal. The cake was a hit; however, it took everything in Jordan not to walk in and grab a chunk of it. The tediously designed, rubber ducky cake was tinted a soft color of blue or pink to reveal the news to our family. Isabel Bayer made the cake. It was the focal point of the entire party...and mighty cute if I don't say so myself :)

Although a cake is usually cut after the meal is served, typically to mark the end of a night's gathering, we couldn't wait too long. We let the two Grandmas-to-be have the honors... soon-to-be aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and great-grandparents of Baby J crowded around the cake with wide-eyes and anxious smiles...

A BLUE cake was revealed!!!

It's a BOY!

The reveal was perfect. I wish I would have had it on video to capture the details of the laughter, tears, and happy shrieks that filled the air; however, I was pretty focused myself on making sure that cake was the right color!

Beau and I are beyond excited about a baby boy in October. I have a feeling he will be a dimpled little bruiser, full of spunk, who follows his daddy's lead, and loves his mommy a whole lot!

Ever since Baby J decided to make his manhood known, he's also decided to show the rest of the world that he exists. I've popped this week and now am waiting ever so patiently for a little kick or a little flutter. HIS timing has been impeccable so far...I'm expecting big things in the near future!


  1. yay! I've been waiting for this...amazing how blogs have become part of my favorite reading material! enjoy the next half of your pregnancy...and what a CUTE party! I may have to steal a few ideas for Jani's first birthday!!! Did you make the cake???

  2. Thanks, Staci! I didn't make the cake. Her name is Isabel and she is from Waterloo. She works out of her home. Her website is It was sooo good!

  3. Congratulations!! Great idea with the cake… bet it was driving everyone there nuts!!

  4. Congrats Ashley and Beau! So excited you are having a boy....they are wonderful! Can't wait to see you and your little one!

  5. Congrats Beau and Ashley! You are so creative and your cake was adorable! You take great pictures too... what kind of camera do you have?

  6. That's the cutest party!!! I say you can never go overboard on a fun party! ;) Especially one so as important as this! Stopping by from your sponsor space on Our Reflection! Nice to 'meet' you!

  7. Congratulations Beau and Ashley!! We are to happy for all of you!!
