
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 21!

How far along? 21 Weeks – it’s really hard to believe I’m in my last half of pregnancy

Total Weight Gain/Loss?

Maternity Clothes? I’ve added a few pieces into the wardrobe this week. After about suffocating myself last week in one of my suits for an important day at school, I owed myself a comfy day at school. Comfy as in cotton skirts. Another summer mission to add to the list: cotton skirts for August!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? I heart sleep! Especially with the windows open! Awww….

Best Moment This Week? Lots…registering for cute BLUE baby stuff at Target and Peekaboo, telling our family the “It’s A BOY!” news at our little party last weekend, finishing my last full week of school, and watching a baby grow before my eyes (or before my tummy at least).

Food Cravings? Apples and chocolate milk. I can make a meal out of these two!

Gender? It feels so cool to finally say it….We’re having a little baby BOY!

What I Miss? Last year at this time, I was stuffing a suitcase full of swimsuits and flimsy dresses for a trip to Mexico!

What I Look Forward To? Feeling that first bit of movement. Little J was really wild during our ultrasound and Dr. Hines says I should be feeling him anytime. I’m ready for ‘anytime.’

Milestones? Little J can taste! That means, it’s time to start doing better about my daily veggie intake!

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