
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

24 Weeks!

How far along? 24 Weeks; Four months to go!

Total Weight Gain/Loss? According to the doctor, I gained five pounds this week.

Maternity Clothes? It’s pretty easy dressing for baby in the summer…skirts, leggings, shorts, and dresses

Stretch Marks? No

Sleep? Last night, I had a restless night of sleep; finally falling asleep at 1:00…my little man was kicking the entire time!

Best Moment This Week? My 24-week appointment…all is well and baby is measuring perfectly!

Least Favorite Moment This Week? Uhg…although I’m very excited to put this nursery together, I despise picking out paint colors. The baby’s room is spotted in four different shades of blue right now, and I’m not sure I like any of them!

Food Cravings? I’m starting to think our little one is not going to take after his father’s love of red meat. I’ve been craving sweets and fresh fruits and veggies…the only thing that doesn’t sound the best is…MEAT!

Gender? BOY!

What I Look Forward To? Getting this room painted. This weekend is the deadline!

Milestones? Our little one is getting human like features! Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair (if of course, our baby gets hair).

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