
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Take me to the river...

Beau and I both love the water. I was a lifeguard throughout high school and would spend hours at the small Allison Pool in the summertime. Beau's family spent lots of time up North on the lake, fishing, water-skiing, and learning pretty sweet moves on a tube. When he wasn't in Canada, I've heard Beau was a 'pool rat' himself, probably the type of kid that drove me nuts as a lifeguard. After we started dating, we spent summers fishing at a little pond by our place, or George Wyth, and now, lounging in our killer pool in our backyard.

Our friends, Chris and April, bought a massive pontoon a couple years ago, and thanks to them, we can enjoy the water from a pretty great view. Beau always says the only thing better about owning your own boat is having friends who own a boat!

So, after church at Orchard, corn dogs at My Waterloo Days, and Dragon Boat races at George Wyth, we enjoyed a relaxing Sunday on the Cedar River.

The day was utter relaxation...

Of great friends...

And growing families...

Of cute kids...

And cute boys...

Of acquiring bad habits...

...of ultimate freedom...

And, finally, exhaustion...

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