
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Favorite Photo from April - Paper Mama Challenge

Stopping in after a jam-packed weekend to take part in The Paper Mama's weekly photo challenge.  Since this week's challenge is 'Favorite Photo from April,' I had some fun sifting through last month's photo explosion in order to pick a favorite... 
I love this one for lots of reasons, but mostly because it tells such a true picture of our Cruz.  I had to turn it to black and white because the bright red strawberries on his shirt were a little distracting.  He rarely sits in his anywhere chair, but will frequently stand on it, jump from it, and push it over on its side and climb to the top.  But, just as soon as he climbs up the side of his chair and dives head first into the carpet below him, he's giving out hugs, kisses, and snuggles like it's his job.  He's a wild man, but such a little lover at the same time.

Other favorites from this month???


Too tired to write tonight!  So much fun this weekend and lots of pictures to document --- coming soon :)
The Paper Mama Photo Challenge


  1. What a cutie! That first picture is so precious - definitely need to frame that one mama!


  2. I love all of them. So adorable. He is such a cutie. :)

  3. That first pic is so sweet! What a cutie.


  4. Great captures! I love that last shot!
