
Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Weekend Recap

I'm not sure if it was the weather, or the family time, but this weekend was filled with so many blessings.  We were on the go all weekend long, yet our days seemed to be moving in slow time, giving us lots of opportunities to stop and capture the beauty of our life at this stage of it.  And Cruz was in the center of it all, this little person beside us, making everything so much sweeter.  He loves everything right now, and this weekend was a glimpse of just how much fun we are going to have with him this summer.  

I found myself laughing to myself numerous times this weekend, just thinking about the amazement of this life.  At one point yesterday afternoon, we were driving to Lowes to grab a few more items for our garden.  Fun's "We are Young" came on the radio and Beau and I were singing along with the windows down when I looked back at Cruz, this perfect mixture of Beau and I, sitting contentedly in the backseat, swaying his head to the music and singing right along with us.  This little person, this little tag along, joining us on this adventure through life.  And I'm so honored to have a front row seat.   

If only I had a freeze button.  

I would freeze Mom and Dad's Friday night.  I love the comfort and anticipation of traveling home after a long work week, the look on Cruz's face when he spots his Grandma and Papa through the car door, and the way we all gather on the front porch and take turns chasing the kids around the house.  I had the baby itch Friday, and snuggled my nephew Hayes as much as I could.  Sitting at the Amvet Hall, surrounded by generations of family, watching Cruz and Charly run around upstairs, and holding that tiny baby was so special.  As if this little voice was whispering, 'this is it, Ashley - this is what you've waited for.'

I would freeze Saturday's trip to Stillwater Greenhouse.  Cruz and I left early Saturday morning and stole Mom away for a trip to buy our annual supply of flowers.  It's become a tradition for us, a road trip to this quaint little greenhouse in the country, filled with gorgeous flowers that you just can't find at your local Home Depot.  Last year, we brought Cruz along Mother's Day weekend, and he loved everything.  He squealed in delight at the colorful flowers, and locked eyes with one of the pretty girls watering her family's plants in her long dress and white bonnet.  

This year was no different, well, except for the fact that Cruz preferred to explore the greenhouse on his own two feet instead of from the cart.  I was happy to see he didn't pick the flowers, but spent his time asking his famous high-pitched 'what's this?,' waving at patrons, and stomping in puddles.  He even scored a dollar bill from a sweet old man who thought Cruz was a kill.  We spent the greater part of the morning there, and like always, managed to fill the entire back of the Kia with the most gorgeous flowers.

I would freeze our impromptu picnic in Charles City before venturing back home.  It was lunchtime, Cruz was hungry, sitting inside at McDonalds sounded boring, and I'm just not ready to let Cruz go nuts with a container of fries in the backseat of the car.  So, we relived childhood memories of meeting Dad for lunch in Charles City, threw a quilt over a picnic table by the river, and let Cruz dip fry after fry into a packet of sweet n' sour sauce.


There he sat, right on the top of that picnic table, eating his fries and drinking his milk while a weeping willow danced beside us.  We came pretty close to feeding a few ducks, but Cruz ate the fries instead.  There will be a lot of picnics this summer, I'm sure of it, only next time I think we'll bring a loaf of bread and a life jacket --- just in case ;)

(on me ... dress - American Eagle, sweater - Target; on Cruz man ... shirt - Crew Cuts, shorts - Little 77)

I would freeze Saturday night's Cinco de Mayo party with Beau's family.  Drinking margaritas and mojitos, serving grilled fajitas family-style around our kitchen table, and watching Cruz laugh at us when we passed around a couple of sombreros.  I love watching Cruz interact with his grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, and am pretty convinced he's got everyone wrapped around his little finger.  And Grandpa Ray?  Beau and I were both shocked and pleased to see him go back for seconds on fajitas and sample each of our gourmet cupcakes from Scratch. 

The PB and J and Margarita were thee best!

I would freeze the super moon, or more importantly, the four of us, Gabe, Gina, Beau, and I, standing on our driveway at 11:00 Saturday night, sombreros on and mojitos in hand, checking out this so-called super moon in the middle of our heated and hilarious game of 'Game of Things.'

And while I'm sure many were interrupting their Saturday evening plans to check out the super moon, I'm not sure any of them were interrupting their nights to weave together a blanket of bacon.  Yes, Beau and Gabe proudly secured the outer sides of their 'Bacon Explosion,' otherwise known as 'Porkgasm,' before smoking it on the Big Green Egg for our Sunday morning breakfast. 

I would freeze our lazy Sunday morning, reading Cruz books, sampling the very delicious, but very (very) meaty bacon explosion, and lying around in pajamas while the rain fell outside.  We said goodbye to Gabe and Gina, cleaned our kitchen, and took a morning nap after an episode or two of Restaurant Impossible.

Wow, lots of pictures!  Have a great week! 

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