
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy February: 14 Days of DIY Love

Happy last day of January!  I'm so glad February is almost here, especially after the freezing cold temperatures that have been lingering off and on in our state for the last few weeks.  February means we're nearing the end of another winter, inching closer and closer to warmer temperatures, and of course, a month devoted to love, love, love.  And while I think I do a pretty good job expressing my love to my boys throughout the year, February is also my excuse to buy lots and lots of pink.  It's for love, you know... 

I'm kicking off this month with a fun little blog series.  14 Days of DIY Love will showcase a simple, easy project or idea to celebrate Valentine's Day with the people in your life.  Starting tomorrow, I'll post one DIY idea a day through Valentine's Day.  I'd love to exchange ideas with you, and would be thrilled if you would share your own posts and links as we go.  I'll try and post a linky at the end of most posts for you to join in on the fun.  Post your own favorite DIY projects, or just link your most recent post.   

Here's a link-up button if you care to share!  Have a great day :) 

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