
Saturday, February 2, 2013

14 Days of DIY Love - The Smoothie of Love

A quick post on this first Saturday of February to share a Valentine's inspired smoothie drink that is refreshing, flavorful, and very pink!  We've jumped on the smoothie bandwagon as of late, and it's been fun to break out my old smoothie maker and experiment with different concoctions.  This afternoon, I tried my very first green monster and was a HUGE fan.  I would love to hear your favorite smoothie recipes, and if you're looking for some new ideas to try, I'm collecting some good ones here.  

This one is pure fruit, and the perfect side dish to an afternoon of sugar filled cookie baking.  Just combine one 10 oz. package of frozen raspberries (I let them thaw slightly in a sink of hot water first), 1 banana, 1 cup of vanilla yogurt, and 1/3 cup orange juice.  Add 2-3 cups of ice, and pulse in a blender or smoothie maker. 

Feel free to link up Valentine's posts, as well as your favorite smoothie drink recipes here!


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