
Friday, February 8, 2013

14 Days of DIY Love: Teepee Love

There's not a whole lot of 'DIY' about today's post, but more of a short story explaining why our living room has seemed a bit smaller the last couple of weeks.  We have a house guest and he's made a temporary home in the middle of our dwelling place.  

Good thing he's cute.  And makes an excellent hiding spot.  And is so cozy and warm reading books with the twinkling lights shining above us.  His blue and white canvas stripes go well in our space, and the more quilts and pillows you pile at his base, well, the happier he is.  

He's our teepee friend, and has proven to be the perfect backdrop to celebrate some pre-Valentine's fun.  

It turns out, this mama is going to be on a plane to New Orleans on Valentine's Day, so I've been doing my best to make sure this fun little holiday is good and celebrated before I have to leave for my conference.  Beau is giving me all kinds of grief about it, mostly because he'd never hear the end of it if the situation was reversed.  He's calling it payback from the year he had a bachelor party on Mother's Day weekend.  He's mostly kidding, and maybe a wee bit jealous that I'll be surrounded by jambalaya, crawfish, and beignets for a few days ;)

As we're (hopefully) nearing the end of what has seemed like a long winter, I find myself striving to find new ways to occupy our time, and spice up ordinary routines with new little adventures.  And if you can't bring the teepee outside and read books under the stars, I figured I'd set up camp in the living room instead.  

I snuck home before I picked up Cruz one day, hauled Mr. Teepee into the living room, and dressed him up a bit with my chipboard garland.  I wrapped a box in kraft paper and filled it with some old and new treasures for Cruz to dig into --- a couple of books, some trucks, and a pair of wax lips and a heart-shaped lollipop from Main Street Sweets, our newest little candy shop on Main Street.  Then, I picked up Cruz and chased him around the house until he discovered that something looked a little bit different.  

It didn't take long to spot as the teepee fills up half our living room.  I moved it back to his room tonight and Beau commented that "it's better than getting the Christmas tree out."  But the three of us have had some fun this week, reading books, playing blocks, and telling the best stories ever inside our favorite new fort.  
Some pictures of our pre-Valentine's teepee party...We had fun.  

My top five favorite Valentine's reads for kids --- The Biggest Kiss, Love is You & Me, Where Does Love Come From, I Ruff You, and We Belong Together.  Because love really is "like bacon and eggs everyday..." 

Cruz dove into his first box of chocolates exactly the way you should --- by nibbling a bite of each one, then tossing it aside 'til you get to the one with yummy filling.    


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