
Saturday, February 9, 2013

S'more Days of DIY Love

Stopping in quick today to share another fun Valentine idea for the littles to share with their friends at this year's party.  I did this one last year for Cruz's very first Valentine's party.  They were super fun to put together and great for the little ones to munch on that is (slightly) more nutritional than candy.  

Hence the word, slightly.

Supplies for S'more Valentine's Fun:

-Plastic bags - found mine at Hobby Lobby and cut four inches off the top because they were too tall.
-Gift tags (and circle punch if needed)
-Graham Crackers
-Marshmallow Hearts
-Chocolate Hugs & Kisses

1.  First, I ordered my tags from an Etsy site and used my 2" circle punch to make a perfect cut.  I don't have the link to the Etsy site I used, but there are so many cute templates out there if you search, 's'more valentine's.'  These and these might be my new favorites...

2.  Fill your bags with goodies.

3.  Secure the bags with a piece of ribbon.

4.  Tape your cute tag on the front of your bag.

That's it!  Super easy and something a little unique to put in those Valentine's boxes.  What are some fun Valentine's ideas 


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