
Monday, September 8, 2014


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2014"

Cruz: My favorite part of the weekend with him...drinking "warm hot cocoa" (as Cruz calls it) on the deck long past his bedtime.  It was perfectly chilly outside and Cruz requested a cup of warm hot cocoa after his bath.  We put on long sleeved pajamas and our first pair of socks this season, Beau and I poured a glass of red wine, and the three of us sat on the deck and talked.  Or I guess I should say, Cruz talked.  Talked and talked and talked.  It felt good to give him all our attention for awhile and it made me realize the adjustment he's had since he became a big brother.
Mila: My favorite part of the weekend with her...dressing her in her first pair of tights since she was an itty bitty baby and watching her dance in Daddy's arms during church on Sunday.  She dances, or should I say, bounces, whenever the music plays, and she was giving it her all during Set Your Church on Fire at Orchard's Gathering service yesterday.  After church, we went for a walk around campus and she ate some flowers.  I love eight months...

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