
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The loveliest smile...

Let's talk about this weather, shall we?  Last weekend's forecast was my idea of perfect.  We felt our first taste of fall early Saturday morning, a wonderfully crisp air that swept through our open windows and made us all burrow under the covers a little deeper.  The mornings and nights called for long sleeves and socks, steamy coffee and nutty red wine and the afternoon sun and breeze warmed our house and helped fill every room with the autumn scents I intentionally planted throughout the house.  We reaped the rewards of a week of constant cleaning and sorting and enjoyed a freshly cleaned house for the weekend where the small tasks like making the bed, wiping down a highchair, or straightening the books on Cruz's bookshelf became a game of playing house.  My first bowl of chili was devoured, my first game of football played in the backyard, and fall's fresh air filled me up all weekend long.  I sure hope this weather decides to grace us a lot more in the next couple of months to come, for it's truly good for the soul. 

A list of happy things from this first very fall-like weekend...

//a successful report from picture day at school. Cruz and Mila got to have their picture taken together and word on the street is they were pretty adorable.  Cruz was trying to get Mila to smile and settled for kissing her on the cheek.

//Saturday morning scenes from our kitchen table.  They're both eating Cheerios.

//an impromptu Friday night with friends, devouring warm homemade pretzels and Pittsburg burgers, drinking red wine and zipping up hooded sweatshirts on the kids.

//warm Saturday sun seeping through our window screens as Mila watched the dog walkers pass on the sidewalk.  I used to watch a baby Cruz do the very same thing.

//afternoon naps with the windows open and post-nap tickles on the bed

//Jimmy John's for supper and a Saturday night at Seerley Park.


//a mug of warm hot cocoa before bed.  After we put Mila down for the night and gave Cruz a bath, the three of us put on warm pjs and headed to the back deck.  We clinked glasses of red wine and cocoa and Cruz talked nonstop for a half hour.  He felt very special doing what Mom and Dad do and didn't put up a fight when we finally told him it was time for bed.

//a new pair of tights on my girl for Sunday church. 

//receiving my absolute favorite package of the year - another completed Shutterfly book, Cruz's Fourth Year.  I think it's my best one yet.

//favorite patchwork quilts...I scored this one for $18 at Little Prairie Girl and it's the perfect size for carting around for Mila

//Orchard's annual Gathering service at Gallagher Bluedorn.  I will never get tired of seeing the slews of people crossing University and walking across campus to worship together.  It was one of my favorite ones yet.

//a relaxing walk around our pretty campus after church.  We sang the peanut butter jelly song, Mila tried to eat her fair share of wood chips, and I snapped a few pictures of my brown eyed boy and blue eyed girl.

//a pot of chili brewing on the stove top and a Bears game on TV.  We changed the kiddos into Bears' jerseys and laughed all afternoon at how much Mila looked like Cruz in the jersey he used to wear. 

Mila showing awfully good QB form...


//playing football with Cruz and Grandma outside.  He made up the rules as we went and laughed every time I chanted "Blue 42" in my best linebacker voice. 

//new fall scents - Pumpkin Pecan Waffles from Bath and Body Works is ah-mazing.  I highly recommend this one.  

It's been raining off and on all day and I'm finding oddly therapeutic.  Thankful to have this cozy abode above our heads for one more fall, for one more season of chili-eating, leaf-raking, and warm hot cocoa nights.  'Tis the season.         

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