
Monday, August 24, 2015


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2015"

Cruz: It's a new start for Cruz today, his first day in the "5s" with the famous, Mrs. W, and his first day of MWF preschool.  He'll be attending preschool with Ms. Kenzie and Ms. Amanda three afternoons a week and spend the rest of the week learning with his friends and Mrs. W.  He's more than ready for this year ahead and I have a feeling it's going to be one filled with growth and learning.  

Mila: We celebrated a man we all love very much on Saturday.  Papa Merle turned 80 years old last Thursday and we spent the day in Allison eating wonderful food, listening to lots of stories from Grandpa's childhood, and soaking up the blessing he has been and continues to be for all of us.     

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