
Friday, August 21, 2015

Cruz's T-Ball Season

Soon after Beau and I got engaged, I asked his mom if I could go through some of their old pictures to scan some of them for a slideshow to show at our wedding.  And there's something about seeing your future husband as a baby to make you fast forward and think all sorts of things.  I remember falling more in love with him when I saw just how adorable he was when he was little.  His dimples were as defined when he was four as they are today and his eyes were sparkly blue and full of mischief (a lot like someone else I know today :).  His smile was just as I assumed it would look - fun, full of charm, and a little bit wild.  I remember thinking I would have probably had a mad crush on him if we were in high school together, and that he probably drove the teachers crazy.  And then I came across this picture...

...and my heart skipped a beat.  I dreamed about a little boy in a t-ball uniform, hopefully not this awful green color, but with a little face that resembled this one a lot.  I dreamed about his daddy coaching him just like my dad always did, and me in the bleachers with a full heart and a purse full of snacks.  I dreamed about being a mommy, about summer days at the pool, and nights at the ballpark, about a little boy in cute baseball pants, pep talks before and after the game, with ice cream to celebrate afterwards.  

Fast forward about nine years later... a little boy in a t-ball uniform, yes, that same awful green color his dad wore (God has a sense of humor), with a little face that resembles his dad, but looks a lot like his mommy, too.  A little boy whose dad is not his only coach, but his Uncle Jordan, too.  And, his cousin Charly is on his team.  His very first team, the Waterloo As, a team who learned a lot and made all of us laugh every Monday and Wednesday night.

Some of my favorite memories from this season include Cruz moon-walking to first base, conversing with the opposing team while he waited on base, attempting to run after and field nearly every ball, and actually paying attention when Beau put him on first the last inning of his last game.  Beau got quite the response from Facebook after posting a series of "Scouting Reports" after every game.  They seem to sum up Cruz's first t-ball season quite well, so I will let them do the talking.  

"His first game was, in the words of one observer, amazingly breath taking. Not only did he have his glove on the correct hand (sometimes), but he also killed it on the photos.  Scouting update:
Seems to be developing strong power to the pull side. Especially the weed pull side. Even though hitting off a tee, he has great pitch perception. I know that doesn't make sense, but the great ones never do.
  He fields the ball cleanly and throws to bases well. Sort of. He seems to beat out the doggy pile and throws like a sorority girl. A SORORITY GIRL BRINGING THE HEAT.  Kind of.  He eats tacos well... cheese quesadillas.  That's like a taco. It's a flat taco with no meat. BUT HE COULD FILL OUT.  And, he looks cute in a hat. Very important."

"Tonight's update on the #1 amateur prospect, Cruz Jorgensen, features the word commitment. Not only did Cruz play a dominant 1-2ndish base, but he showed some amazing commitment. After taking a scorching liner off the shoulder while drawing in the dirt (he's a Renaissance kid, not just an amazing athlete) he smothered the next ball hit his way. Not only did he knock down the ball, he also collapsed on it and kind of laid on it. No passed balls with this elite prospect.

I am sure you have seen it on Sportscenter, but Cruz also did the moonwalk from first to second. HAVE YOU EVER MOONWALKED ON GRAVEL? THAT'S SERIOUS AGILITY!

Cruz isn't the only amazing talent on the team. One of our girls got a double by running directly to second base, with the bat. WE ARE CHANGING THE GAME on the Monday/Wednesday 5:30 A's. She later cried when someone fielded a ball in front of her, so you know she has passion for the game. 

So really, we have 3 games left and the amount of pro scouts has been disappointing. We would even welcome college scouts from elite programs at this point. We will also be open to shoe deals (looking at you Nike)."

"Prospect update:

A grandmother of one of our team members brought cookies today. It reminded me of what t-ball is really about. It's a chance for kids to have fun learning about a sport while the coaches are bribed into accepting below market deals for elite talent. Sorry lady, but I realize that you are probably a scout from the Yankees getting ready to offer Cruz a developmental deal. To think...

Cruz showed HUSTLE tonight. Not only did he nearly field a grounder but he also talked to a kid on third base about who knows what the entire time he was on third. Mind games, baby! I couldn't hear anything he was saying but I bet he was in that kid's head.
One kid legitimately hit a ball into the outfield tonight. Just smashed it! That may have been Cruzy B Jorgensen! It might not have too, but again, I am not a scout.

Have you ever seen a group of 4-6 year olds rally around a cause? Have you ever seen a group of kids decide to support and lift up their fellow kid because he is such a singular talent that they all want to be a part of his glory? I am not saying that Cruz's teammates did that tonight, but i am saying that they shared helmets pretty well and that's almost the same thing. 

Look friends, next Monday and Wednesday are your last free looks until we take the signing private. I hope you keep it as secretive as I am because the bidding war that is about to go down will be super stressful. Game on!"

"Tonight was the last night of an era. I think we can all agree the Cedar Valley shed a collective tear as mega-prospect, Cruz Jorgensen manned first base for the first and last time in 2015.  Did he flash some serious leather at first base? You know it. Did he run sideways to first after he hit? You betcha. Did he find a rock with polka dots and leave the dugout to show his mom? Your damn right he did.
But it didn't stop there! He also found the plastic collar from a Gatorade bottle and a cool stick. Now, I don't want to read into things, but I am pretty sure he was assigning a deep symbolic value to these items. The stick being a symbol of the roots of the game he is so passionate about that he only asked what time we could leave three times. The Gatorade collar symbolized the never ending cycle of the game and the endless pursuit of perfection, even when it means facing towards the batter when you aren't done drawing your X to designate your defensive position. The rock with polka dots represented a rock with polka dots. It was a pretty cool rock.

Amazingly Cruz was not signed to any endorsements or player development contracts. Look, I am as surprised by that as you are. Apparently scouts are terribly lazy and wouldn't know talent if it knocked on their door. 

We did have Popsicles after the game however, and that's pretty good, too."

It was a good season, Cruz!  Can't wait to see what next year brings. :)


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