
Monday, March 21, 2016


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2016"

Cruz: One of my favorite moments of Spring Break with Cruz was painting some Easter eggs while sister napped one afternoon.  He wrote his name on one egg all by himself, and drew a snowman on another.  We have our first kindergarten meeting tomorrow night and I just finished filling out lots of paperwork.  We'll be seeing his school for the first time and it will be fun to connect with new and familiar faces of parents in the same boat as us.  It's all a little surreal, but exciting too.  

Mila: I took this little dolly to Funky Junk a Loo yesterday to pick up a few things I had my eye on on Saturday, and she proved to be the perfect little shopping buddy.  She got lots of compliments from booth owners and observers and fell in love with a retro pink chair that I almost brought home.  On the way to the car, she kept saying, "that was fun, mommy!" in her perfectly high pitched little squeal, and I smiled all the way home as I realized that I'm living exactly what I always dreamed about.

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