
Friday, March 18, 2016

Moments with Mila - Part 1

Mila has been talking up a storm for quite some time, and Beau reminded me the other day that it might be time to give her some screen time like we did for Cruz when he was this age.  Just a little over two, we started the Cruz Confessionals as a way to capture his little voice, the way he talked, and some of the funny things he said.  Now, I watch that first one and remember that Sunday morning like it was yesterday.  Beau was in the background making his Sunday morning signature dirty rice, waiting for the Bears to kickoff at noon.  I remember Cruz's boxy little khaki pants, the funny way he licked his mango sucker, and the way he NEVER SAT STILL!  Pictures are sure nice, but there's something about video footage that just totally brings you back.  

So, three years later from that very first Cruz Confessional, it's Mila's turn.  Moments with Mila, take 1. :)


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