
Tuesday, October 9, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz: We kicked off your birthday week with a sleepover for you and four friends Friday night.  It was equal parts crazy and sweet and it was so fun to see you interact with these boys you love to spend your days with.  A few observations we made: 1) You were the loudest one of them; 2) You eat like a mouse compared to all of them; and 3) You say "dude" and "bro" a lot and laugh easily and often.   

Mila: And there you are in the middle of them all, often drawing the most laughs.  You are killing us with your sense of humor lately.  From your signature eyebrow raise at all the right times, the face you make with your little fish lips out as you wiggle your hips and look so incredibly sassy, and all the hilarious things you say, like when you do air quotes and tell us to "stop the chit chat," you worry your daddy with the way you seem to love the spotlight. Especially when it involves a group of Cruz's friends. ;) 

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