
Monday, October 8, 2018


"a portrait of each of my children, once each week, in 2018."

Cruz:  You had a big couple of Saturdays on the field, running a 100-yard touchdown run two weeks in a row, scoring goals on the soccer field, and figuring out this defense thing, grabbing several flags from your opponents.  But most of all, you love the social part of this whole sports thing!  And the snacks, of course. ;)

Mila: You've become quite the creative artist lately and rarely go a day without multiple papers strewn across every surface (and glue stick residue on the table).  Recent favorites include an unevenly stapled "memory book" you use to draw pictures of things important to you (like our new friends coming over this weekend or Cruz scoring a touchdown at his football game), and a "duck pond" you constructed from a box found in the garage.  It was impressive!  I also love that you like to share your artistic talents with others.  You drew my friend, Natalie, a picture the day she left for Asia, and sent our sweet friends' daughter out the door with a princess crown and wand cut out all by yourself.    

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