
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wordless Wednesday || A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

We spent one of the only warm and sunny days of this very wet and rainy fall at Barn Stahl pumpkin patch just outside of Wellsburg.  It was our first year exploring this place that is much more a hub for all things "agri-tainment" than an actual pumpkin patch!  They had everything!  Mila's favorites included that cute little pony she loved to feed, the play kitchen and ball pit, and the lawn mower train.  Cruz loved the tall field tile slide, the pool ball bowling, and the water pump duck races.  And Dad and I?  We loved the corn cob cannon, the caramel apple nachos, and the tire swing that was big enough to hold all four of us.  And all four of us decided we could have done without feeding that slobber-filled camel!  

Until next year, Barn Stahl!   

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