Make lemonade. It's a phrase I've been consistently humming to myself the last three days. It's summertime, the rain is finally out of the forecast for the time being, and I have the blessing of being able to be home for the next month and a half. There is plenty to be thankful for and plenty to be happy about. The last couple of days, it seems that life is indeed throwing a bunch of lemons my way; however, they don't have a lot of juice and I keep having to fish out the seeds.
This weekend, I finally started feeling pregnant. The last three days, I have officially felt as though there is a five-pound weight sitting on my pelvis...that five pound weight being a very active little boy. Not only are my ligaments stretching and pulling every which way, but there is a dull, annoying ache every time I find myself on one foot. Now I know many of you are wondering how often it is that I need to stand on one foot, but you'd be surprised. Going up and down the stairs, putting on a pair of shorts, and getting in and out of the car is, let's just say, a little slower than I'd prefer. Carrying any weight (like a laundry basket up the stairs) is a double whammy, aka, not fun.
So, Saturday, I did what every 21st century, computer-owning junkie has been known to do...I decided to 'google' my symptoms in order to find a diagnosis that might make me feel better (or worse). The rest of the weekend, I indeed thought the worst, and words like 'complications,' 'bed-rest,' and 'abnormal' clouded my mind. In addition to my painful pelvis, we woke up Sunday morning with water in our basement, spent two hours of our Sunday at the laundromat washing wet towels and blankets, and spent double that working on statistical methods for my Ed. Research class. Let's just say, by the end of the weekend, I was ready for a fresh start to a new week.
Today is a freezy pop kind of day. The weather is perfect, upper 70s, just cool enough to open windows and let the summer breeze blow new life into this house. I woke up early, finished three assignments for class, hung clothes on the line, baked a cake, and visited the chiropractor. He, and my doctor, assured me that my symptoms are quite normal for this stage in my pregnancy, that I should stop reading the sketchy online sources during the weekend, and that I should try and take it a bit more easy. So, with a belly secured tight with my new pelvis support band, I'm sucking down freezy pops, drinking in the fresh air, and relaxing today.
Turns out, I'm not the only one relaxing...Beau finally got around to setting up his birthday present, an oversized hammock, fit for two (and maybe a third, if they're tiny). If this picture doesn't scream summer, I don't know what does!