Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dear Baby...
Speaking of your mom and dad, I feel it is only fair to give you a glimpse of what you can expect to be part of in the Jorgensen household; to prepare you for the uniqueness you will be part of. Last night, Beau and I watched your cousin, Charly. She had her two month shots earlier that afternoon (sorry to say you will get these too), and was worn out to say the least. So, for the first 45 minutes, she nuzzled her head into my arm and slept like the sweet baby she is (hopefully you'll follow her lead with the sleeping habits). As I snuggled up with Charly and watched 'Glee,' I felt Beau glaring at me from across the room. He had waited patiently and it was his turn to hold his niece. Soon, she woke up, happy and rested. She smiled, cooed, and watched intently as Beau and I sang several old school 80s songs to her. When I handed her over to Beau, he thought it seemed like the right time to play 'Superman.' Charly embraced this role, sticking both arms out in front of her, even clasping her tiny hands into fists. Her face was the best though. As Beau gently flew her through the air, her look was one of intensity, of a hero on a mission. She loved it, especially when her uncle proceeded to play the 'Superman' theme song on the computer. By the time Jordan and Kelli had returned home, the 'Superman' song had repeated itself multiple times. Needless to say, Charly was happy to see her mommy and daddy!
Will our parenting styles follow the norm? Maybe not. Will we know what we are doing all the time? You can bet not. Will we raise you to be a unique soul, who follows your own ways and makes the world your masterpiece? I sure hope so.
Will we have fun? Absolutely!!!
I love you, sweet little one. - Your mom
Our little pepper...
Total Weight Gain/Loss?
Maternity Clothes? Still squeezing into my regular pants, although it’s getting pretty difficult. I don’t want to spend the money on maternity pants when I only have to make it through a month of school. I actually counted the ‘dress up’ days left in the school year. I think I can make 15 days!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I thought people said the exhaustion would go away! I did talk to another teacher today, who made me feel better about my sleeping patterns. She said she used to sneak away in a co-workers office and take short naps during recess and lunchtime…she wouldn't make it through the day without them!
Best Moment This Week? Starting Baby J’s room. It’s fun to see the beginning of a work-in-progress. It makes it even easier to dream…
Food Cravings? Lots of fresh foods…lettuce salads, fresh fruit, tomatoes, and grape juice boxes!
Gender? 2 weeks! We’re getting close!
What I Miss? Energy!
What I Look Forward To? Finding out if we’re having a boy or girl! It’s driving me crazy and the 11th cannot come fast enough!
Weekly Wisdom? Pedicure…great idea! You won’t as easily make time for things like this once you have that baby…take advantage of the opportunity now!
Milestones? Our baby is the size of a bell pepper! It is also flexing its muscles; however, not enough for me to feel them yet!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
A taste of rhubarb


Saturday, April 24, 2010
There's a BUN in the OVEN!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Day

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dear Little One...
Tonight, all is well. I'm inching my way to the end of a school year, we're enjoying one of the nicest springs I can remember, and Beau and I have been spending lots of time together doing what we do best: cooking. Yes, I've reacquired my love for the culinary arts. Right now, I'm taking part in Project Pantry, attempting to spend less than $45 a week on groceries while using the large array of foods I've collected in my pantry during my recent cooking aversion. So far, week one is a success! Not to mention, I'm on my third pound of strawberries in three days! They are delicious and I have a feeling there will be lots of strawberry shortcake in your future! One promise I can make you is that you will absolutely never go hungry. Your parents love to cook, take pride in our ever-growing exotic palettes, and like to try new things. Cooking together makes us feel refined. If only, however, I could dive into a tall glass of wine while I create a masterpiece though!
What else is new? Well, in the last week, you have been 'felt'... a lot. For some reason, a few of my girl students have felt it necessary to start touching my belly. It's rather adorable, actually, and I haven't been the weirded-out type to be annoyed by it. If anything, I've really appreciated their comfortableness and excitement. They ask a lot of questions, are always willing to shed advice on baby names and nursery ideas, and are the first to critique my outfits and whether I'm 'showing' or not. My 9th graders, often the most open and honest with their English teacher, are split a bit. Half of them have confirmed (to me) that I've been a lot happier since I've been pregnant and have assigned less homework, and the other half feel I've been 'moodier.' Bless their hearts for their honesty. I can't wait to see their faces come August when I'm huge, hot, and really moody :-)
I guess that's all for week 17. Know that you are loved, even by 14-16 year olds.
-Your Mom
P.S. Beau forgot that I'm doing my best to avoid caffeine throughout pregnancy and made an inviting jug of sun tea. I indulged in a glass during supper. Let's just say, my cat, Jade's ears have been back the remainder of the night ;)
Seventeen Bliss
Total Weight Gain/Loss? up a pound
Maternity Clothes? Last Friday, I rocked my first pair of maternity capris. Do I necessarily need them? No. Did they look wonderfully, utterly attractive? No. Did they provide comfort and much needed room to move while I decorated for the Junior/Senior Prom? YES!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I’m afraid it’s only the beginning. For the rest of my life, I will be tired come 9:00 at night. I couldn’t be more disappointed in myself that I can’t even stay up for 24, our favorite TV show. Good thing we have DVR…
Best Moment This Week? My love of cooking and meal planning has come back in full swing. On Sunday, like old times, I made a meal plan for the week and got the groceries I needed. I cut up 3 pounds of perfect, plump strawberries, grilled salmon, and Beau and I cooked chicken and pasta last night. We’ve eaten at the table together 3 nights this week! Now, I’m itching to make a rubarb pie…
Food Cravings? The strawberries I purchased took on a whole new meaning for me this week. I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy, but they were the juiciest, fruitiest strawberries I’ve ever had. I had them straight out of the carton, over a bowl of vanilla ice cream, and mowed the rest down at work. I even told the check-out lady at Hy-Vee that she should really purchase some!
Gender? 3 weeks until our Gender Reveal Party! How fun!
What I Miss? Making it through all my morning classes without having to pee three times. The overactive bladder has officially begun this week!
What I Look Forward To? 3 weeks until boy or girl; 5 weeks until summer break!
Weekly Wisdom? Give that daddy-to-be of yours lots of loving. He’s the greatest. He helps you interview for an upcoming job for an hour and a half, then after lots of pep talks, tells you he is so very proud of you. Make sure he hears it back.
Milestones? Did I mention the bladder???
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Happiness Project...A Wish List

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Today I pulled weeds...

I went to Hy-Vee and pretended I was at a fresh outdoor market, purchasing only fresh foods and hearty meat to grill. I bought strawberries and rhubarb, tomatoes and greens. I listened to Ron and Pat on 1650 on the drive home, a sound that is synonymous with summer and baseball at Wrigley. Maybe we won't sell those tickets after all...

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dear Baby... I sit, all wrapped up baby world again. I just returned from my 16-week appointment and can't get over how surreal all of this is. For years, I went to my yearly check-ups and watched as young women with fat tummies came in and out of the doctor's office. I always dreamed about doing the same, and wondered how it must feel to be carrying a child. Now, thanks to you, I get to experience the miracle that it is. This last month went by really fast and four weeks from now is an exciting one. My first ultrasound. My first glimpse of you.
My appointment went great. In and out. I only gained a 1/2 pound, which is quite surprising due to the large amounts of food I seem to be inhaling lately. My blood pressure was good and your heartbeat was ready and waiting, right on cue. Just one heartbeat, that is, meaning you probably aren't concealing any surprise brothers or sisters in there. Dr. Weno said we'd probably know by now if there were twins.
On the drive home, with sunglasses on and the sunroof open (another above average, beautiful day), I couldn't help but picture life with you next summer. When I got home, your dad was mowing the lawn and I couldn't help but picture your little body crawling through the grass or laying in the shade on a blanket. Our world is going to be so much fun with you in it.
I also couldn't help but wonder who you will be and who you will take after.
Will you inherit your mommy's stringy, but soft dark curls and big brown eyes?
Or will you get your dad's white blond hair and sparkly baby blues?
Will you take after my timid, but sweet mannerisms?
Or will you be a brave, reckless, little toughy like your dad?

Whatever you will be or whoever you will take after, you will be just right to us. We already love you so much.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
16 Weeks!
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week.
Maternity Clothes? Not yet!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I’m slowly gaining more energy at night. Last night, I was up until 10:30! I shocked myself and my husband!
Best Moment This Week? 16 week appointment today with Dr. Weno. Blood pressure was good, weight was good, and heartbeat was right on cue. The baby was low this week, much lower than my 12-week appointment. Heartbeat was around 152…still high but lower than last appointment.
Movement? No, but I can’t wait for this!
Food Cravings? Anything fresh. I made the yummiest mango salsa last night and could have scarfed the whole thing down. I had it under a skewer of grilled shrimp…also an ongoing craving.
Gender? For some reason, I’m convinced it’s a baby boy; however, I seem to be the only one. We’ll find out four weeks from today!
What I’m Loving? Eating a lot and not feeling an itsy bit guilty about it!
What I Look Forward To? Feeling that first little flutter is going to be magical.
Weekly Wisdom? If a bike ride exists in the future, plan the route ahead of time. You don’t want to get yourself in trouble again!
Milestones? My energy is definitely coming back. The weather might have something to do with it too. It’s been beautiful lately.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Your life at 15 weeks...
Happy Week 15 Sweet Baby J! A pretty impressive week in baby development! You are eating, breathing, and moving a lot, even though I haven't felt you yet. The nurse said some women can feel baby 'flutters' as early as 16 weeks, so I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones. Feel free to get my attention at any time! My book says you might even be sucking your thumb! That's pretty adorable to think about.
Here are a few of your seemingly favorite things right now (or at least you don't complain when I indulge in them)...
1. Dancing with the Stars- whether you are a fan of Edyta and her risque costume choices, or Max and his handsome smile, 'Dancing with the Stars,' equals entertainment for all. I love the cool dances and sultry chemistry between the contestants, Beau loves Brooke Burke as the hostess and Pam Anderson as one of the contestants. It's a great show and entertains you and me for a couple hours each week.
2. American Idol- a faithful viewer of AI for years, this new season did not get off to the best start. I didn't think the talent compared to years in the past. Although I'm not as devoted as I used to be, I still make sure Simon Cowell and the crew is a part of my weekly DVR schedule. I usually listen to the music as I blog about you.
3. the music of John Mayer- his new CD, 'Battle Studies,' is awesome. Every song is so nice to listen to...I make sure to make it part of my day at some point. I've always had a thing for John Mayer and his, I guess I could say, swagger. He's nice to listen to and that's all there is to it!
4. John Lennon on Pandora- Pandora, the free live music streaming service, gets me through the longest days of work. Lately, I've been listening to a John Lennon playlist. I've decided the Beatles deserve all the glory they still receive, fifty years later. Their music is incredible and every song takes on a new meaning, a new feeling, and a new style.
5. Ice cream sandwiches- lately, these have served nicely as my after work indulgence. They're delicious and work as the perfect mixture of ice cream and chocolate. If I get into this habit too much, I'm afraid it will be a difficult one to break!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Week 15
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week.
Maternity Clothes? Not yet; however, I’m longing for summertime and mesh shorts, leggings, and sundresses! My dress pants are getting pretty snug and a little less comfortable everyday!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Who knew sleep could get any better??? I ordered a new comforter for our bed last week and it is heavenly! Big, fluffy, and soft, it’s literally like sinking in to a bed of clouds! I love it and look forward to bedtime even more!
Best Moment This Week? Telling my students about the baby in a game of good ol’ fashioned telephone! We sometimes kill time with a game of telephone, so the students were not surprised when I asked if they wanted to play. This way, after passing the message, “somebody’s having a baby in October…” I could watch each of their faces and reactions separately. They were adorable and far more excited than I had anticipated. The entire school knew the news before the day was through!
Movement? No. Beau went through an intersection a little fast the other night, unleashing a million little butterflies in my stomach! I’m pretty sure Baby J felt that one too!
Food Cravings? I haven’t craved anything specific this week, but that doesn’t mean I’m not hungry. Chocolate every now and then, seafood most days, grape pop, and apples and oranges!
Gender? I’m 50/50…5 weeks and we’ll no longer have to guess!!!
What I Miss? Cooking! I haven’t had much of a desire to cook since getting pregnant and I miss it.
What I Look Forward To? Getting closer and closer to summer vacation!
Weekly Wisdom? Sing a little louder in the car, laugh a little more, and pray with the little one that hangs out with me day in and day out. It can hear, so make sure it hears YOU!
Milestones? I experienced heartburn for the first time ever this week, for three consecutive days. Nothing a couple of Tums couldn’t settle.
A Sunday of Life
This day was full of spring. Of life, and growth, and this overwhelming sense of 'new.' I love the season of spring for the sense of a fresh start that comes with it. The rain will come indeed, sometimes for longer periods than expected, sometimes clouding and flooding our hearts and minds with hurt. Although the rain will surely pour, the comfort lies in the fact that somehow, that rain changes the earth in distinct ways. The sun shines when the rain dries.

26. The day started with church at Orchard. I sometimes wish we had the opportunity to begin each day with church. Then, I suppose, it would lose some of its excitement. I feel so blessed to have found a church to look forward to each week. We heard 'Stories from the Seats,' this week, a sermon series that uses the real and raw stories of its members to move and inspire new and existing members at church. The stories today were amazing. They reminded me of God's all-knowing presence during all the times of our lives. The times when he seems far away are actually the times He's listening the closest. "Blessed be Your name!"
27. After church, Beau and I had lunch on our deck. Check that. Beau, Jade, and I had lunch on our deck. Beau and I feasted on a smorges board of Hot Pockets, yogurt, potato chips, and string cheese, and Jade feasted on the abundance of grass in our backyard. She was our herbivorous lawn mower. She even chased a squirrel up a tree, then stood frozen in fear as the squirrel made a crazy noise at her from its limb up above. I went to rescue her and she was more than appreciative.
28. A bike ride was definitely in the plan for the day ahead; however, we decided to go on a drive to scope out a possible route. We found this secluded little dirt trail not too far from the river and decided to explore. We hung our feet over the bridge and talked like kids, spotted unusually tame deer about 100 feet away from us, and found the makings of a meth lab. Most of all, we found this lovely little place to help expand our nature loving instincts all summer long.

30. Afterwards, we quenched our biked-out bodies with a Cherry Limeade from Sonic. I recovered quickly after that! We stuck our arms out the sunroof, listened to 'Bad Romance' by Lady Gaga, and shared tator tots.
31. We ended the night with some Sunday night TV, sweatpants, and air-popped marshmallow popcorn. Beau pops the popcorn. I melt the marshmallows. Teamwork at its best. This combination screams comfort to me. I love curling up on the couch after a long day in the sun, each with our own bowl of popcorn, blankets, and a remote control.
This day was spring. And for that, I am thankful.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Mexico Memory...

Man: "this mask will grant you fertility."

14 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week.
Maternity Clothes? I rocked my first maternity shirt today at school. I haven’t exactly gained weight as in pounds; however, my body is clearly changing. I needed some shirts that were wider at the bottom, to safely cover the slight baby bump protruding from my waistline. Just a simple white v-neck, yet, three students told me they liked my shirt. Funny.
Sleep? I’d like to say I have a little more energy this week; however, I might jinx myself. I was feeling really tired after school today, so I asked Beau if he would go on a walk with me. I thought the fresh air might wake me up. By the time we got to the driveway, I told Beau I felt like I could literally crawl to the door. Now, I’m yawning just thinking about it!
Best Moment This Week? Planning the first holiday in preparation of Baby J…shopping for an Easter basket! It won’t be near as fun without the physical presence of a baby; however, an excuse to shop is all this girl needs!
Food Cravings? Beau took me to Hy-Vee tonight and I was like a kid in a candy store. What filled up my shopping cart? Fresh fruit. Cheese sticks. Yogurt. Pop Tarts. Ice Cream Sandwiches. Grape Soda.
Gender? Beau and I have agreed to disagree. He says girl, I say boy.
What I Miss? Watching a movie without bawling like a blubbering weirdo. I cry…a lot. I sobbed through the first hour of ‘The Blind Side.’ I cried during a rerun of ‘The Office,’ when Jim proposed to Pam in the pouring rain. I cried during ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ I cried during Oprah when a real-life 'Glee' club received a check for $100,000.
What I Look Forward To? Feeling that first flutter of a baby foot against my stomach.
Weekly Wisdom? Enjoy the small things...
Milestones? Our baby weighs more than a pound. I'm counting that for the pound I've gained so far!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Can you HEAR me???
That's right. This week, perhaps for the first time, you can hear me talk to you. And sing to you. This has been big news for your dad and I. I texted him yesterday during school to fill him in on the news. Here is how the conversation went:
The Big 1-3
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Stayed the same this week; however, my mental weight was shifted by the pounds. I'm getting a little self-conscious at school. I feel like everyone, 16 year old boys included, are whispering about the bulge surrounding my waistline. I hope it's in my head; however, one of my students walked in on me devouring a Butterfinger today.
Maternity Clothes? No; however, the time is in the near future...I can feel it. I think a couple pairs of pants will hold me over until summer break.
Sleep? I went to bed at 9:04 last night if that tells you anything...
Best Moment This Week? I found out that the baby can finally hear us this week! Suddenly, I find myself singing a lot more ;)
Food Cravings? It's been my biggest sign of pregnancy. This week, it's been fresh fruit and juice. And seafood. The seafood has been big for me throughout. I think I could eat shrimp and tarter sauce every day!
Gender? I got an email about Old Wive's Tales for determing gender. The majority pointed to girl; however, I think it's a little early to tell. I am officially the only person I know that is predicting a boy! We won't have to wait long! Our ultrasound appointment is set for May 11th!
What I Miss? Not much...for the most part, I'm really liking this whole pregnancy thing. It does make me a little sad everytime I pull a Victoria's Secret magazine from the mailbox. I wish I could be one of those women who embraces the pregnant belly and lets it out for the world to gawk at, but at this point, I don't see that being a part of my future! I will lay out this summer; however, I think I will choose the privacy of my deck instead of the wonderful Lost Island.
What I Look Forward To? Getting out of school for the summer so I can focus on nursery and baby preparations! Three months of painting, planning, and preparing to share our lives and home with another person!
Milestones? I can talk to our little one and it can actually hear! Can you imagine what it thinks as I yell at high schoolers all day long?!?! It's probably worried!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
In pursuit of...
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
First purchases
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Up a pound.
Maternity Clothes? No, but I added a trusty little device to my wardrobe last night...a rubberband to buy me a little room in my jeans! Turns out, I could have been using this idea even when I wasn't pregnant!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? I think about sleep so much that I'm actually looking at new blankets and sheets for the bed.
Best Moment This Week? GETTING TO HEAR A HEARTBEAT! Our baby proved to be dependable and excited to greet us! The nurse found the heartbeat right away and it was fast!
Movement? No, but today, the nurse said I might feel it as early as 16 weeks!
Food Cravings? Spring officially sprung during this Spring Break week, with temps crawling to the mid-60s. This meant that my husband was ready to fire up the grill. Must to his dismay, I kindly asked him to pick up a pack of Ballpark Franks from Hy-Vee instead of a ribeye. He was appalled, but I'm a cheap date! I had a grilled hotdog for three meals in a row this week!
Gender? According to the old wive's tale, the fast heartbeat is supposed to predict 'girl.' Beau says girl, I say boy.
Labor Signs? NO!
What I Miss? Having a green beer on St. Patty's Day. I settled for a water with a green lime instead.
What I Look Forward To? Our 20-week appointment and our first ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom? I heard it from the doctor herself...One meal with tuna a week! And shrimp! And McDonald's fillet-a-fish!
Milestones? Houston, we have a heartbeat!